That’s Right Back Down.

North Korea has recently put a few of their missiles back into storage. After having many threats on the U.S. and South Korea the tensions have eased down a bit. The day that the attack was most likely came and went with nothing more than some missiles being retracted. North Korea’s effort to cause tension between its mortal nemesis has, for now, eased down to a cool. The oppressive country also killed two South Korean civilians and military officers after they had been apparently provoked into doing so. The provocation one might ask? A militarily  drill being kept too close to the North Korean territorial water line. They threatened a retaliation if the drill were to come too close to their land. The attack has the South Koreans unhappy yet again with their neighbors and North Korean still continues to throw gasoline onto the fire of tensions. The questions remains though, when will enough be enough? The fire can only burn for so long after all

You know that screaming younger cousin you have that does things just to get everyone’s attention? That is the country of North Korea in the family that is the world. North Korea was never going to start a war against the U.S. or South Korea. After having read this article I can see that North Korea is nothing more than a screaming child of a government that wants all the attention it can get. It feeds of the negative energy it emits to the rest of the world with its empty threats. Like a parasite. What if they were to declare an attack onto the U.S. or South Korea? They would be reduced to nothing more than a parking lot for the rest of Asia. All in all I think it’s time to stop feeding the stray cat and make them rely on themselves for attention for awhile.

The Scariest Crime There Is.

Sad but true. Girls getting snatched by human traffickers and then exploited for sexual purposes. In the entire world this enigma is a harsh reality, and is incredibly damaging for its victims. Maria, a name given to a victim in the Philippines, knew this horrible world all too well. She went out into the world trying to find work for her father who’s lung needed medical attention. After being promised work, she was taken a day’s commute to a tiny room where she was inserted into human trafficking. She was liberated a few weeks later, but the damage had been done. She was forced to see an average of thirteen clients a day and to each one had to convince them that she was a virgin in order to get more money for her “boss.” She was not the only victim of this awful crime. Many girls as young as twelve were forced to do things. One way that these girls were exploited was through cyber sex. They were forced to do horrendous things on a live video camera that could be distributed to anywhere in the world. Even Americans partook in getting a sick sense of pleasure from this cyber sex. When asked about Americans, the victims said they were awful people who needed to stop helping the exploiters.

After having read this article, I am disgusted that this is reality. The fact that this happens, and especially as common as it actually is, is just vomit educing. The girls who are fortunate enough to escape are pertinently damaged. Living like that must be the definition of living hell. What I didn’t mention in the summery is the after effects of having lived through this life. The girls have constant nightmares and even have random moments of vomiting when flashbacks happen. I myself would love nothing more than to see this awful crime be ripped from our world’s reality.




Modern Day Gulags are No Prettier Than They Used to Be.

A man who was born in the gates of hell, and was one of the only who was able to escape into the real world. Shin Dong-Hyuk was a man who was born in a North Korean prison camp. Living through things such as watching his mother and brother being executed and picking through cow manure for corn kernels, he was able to liberate himself from the oppression and horrors of a modern day gulag. After having been to the holocaust museum in Washington D.C. and seeing a photo of a concentration camp, he was inspired to shed light on the life he once to the rest of the world. North Korea of course would deny any and all human rights violations that it has committed, but Shin Dong-Hyuk’s book begs to differ. He is especially happy that people are getting uncomfortable with the fact that this is still happening in the world. He states that people tend to sympathize with his life story and not with the fact of the prison camps. This is not wants and would like to see the oppression and tyranny be put to rest.

Amazing is the first word that comes to mind when I had gotten done reading this article. I have heard the history of the Russian gulags and the fact that that sort of horror still exists makes me shudder. Shin Dong-Hyuk’s life story is one of amazement, sorrow, and inspiration. After having read only a short article of this story, I would like to see North Korea pay for its crimes against humanity. Imagining what this man has lived through makes me appreciate the kind of country that we live in, and also makes me want to read the book of this remarkable man’s life. I would especially like to see the oppressive government be taken down and its people liberated.

Suprise food on your door step may be poisoned. Shocker.

Yet it again another case of food that has been “spoiled.” Police in Germany are investigating a box of poisoned bread that was left upon the doorstep of a company. Ironically enough the box was labeled “Present.” The workers happily consumed the free bread rolls with little foresight of what new discovery was about to come. Later that afternoon, it was discovered that their ever so friendly bread rolls contained a mystery substance. The rolls then were reported to the local authorities. Eleven people were admitted to the hospital, however no one was experienced any signs of illness related to the hazardous material. The substance was sent to the hospital for investigation, and it was discovered that the free rolls contained a form of rat or mouse poison. The strength of this poison is still pending results. The company refused any statements to the media and would like to pretend like this mortal folly never happened at all.

Free floor rolls. What could wrong right? What these workers should have done was listen to their mothers and not eat anything that had touched the ground. Sorry fellas the five second rule doesn’t apply to rat poison. I found it increasingly interesting that the workers were so quick not to question the nature of a mysterious box of free rolls and then just chow them down as if there are no people in the world who would harm that, and for that matter why anyone would just decide to poison a bunch of rolls and then just leave it on a doorstep of an unsuspecting company. This just proves that the world is a dangerous place and that anytime a person could just try and harm another person. By this, I think we can all learn that we should watch our own backs a little closer and at the same time, maybe strive to help our fellow man.

I’m not saying it’s aliens… but it’s aliens.


Scientists stumbled upon an unusual structure in the Sea of Galilee in 2003, but just recently have been able to speculate on it and describe its size. The cone shaped thingy is about the size of a Boeing 747 jet- which my dad (who works for Rockwell scrapping and selling planes) says can hold about four hundred people and is slightly smaller than a football field. The exact measurements of the cone like structure state that the cone is about seventy meters long and about ten meters tall. Since it is underwater, archeologists are having trouble examining it because of lack of funding. However it is speculated that the structure was built on land and then swallowed by the Sea of Galilee sometime after. However, its underwater state could be beneficial to history, because things underwater are better preserved. They are less likely to be decomposed by worms and such because, well, they’re underwater. Other speculations reflect that it was a big ceremony hall, or possibly a tomb.

I wonder if they’ll find the Holy Grail. Jesus was from Galilee, though he was crucified in Israel, he was sentenced as Jesus the Galilean. Someone call Indiana Jones. He’ll stop the Nazis from getting the grail before us. It belongs in museum! My guess is that this structure is the Luna Temple built by Alexander the Great. However most historians believe the Luna Temple was destroyed in a fire, the treasures within had to go somewhere. I bet they rebuilt a temple similar to the Luna Temple and placed Alexander’s treasures there. I find it possible that they built the temple somewhere where they knew it would be submerged to protect the riches from looters and thieves. Or maybe the structure was built by aliens and Dick Chaney. That guy is no good. Him and his sunscreen…

Terrorism: you’re doing it wrong.

So the two Russian terrorists behind the Boston bombings have been caught, as I’m sure you know. But why I think is pretty damn funny. So after the Tsarnaev brothers shot and killed a police officer at MIT, they hijacked a black Mercedes. Nice ride, right? They forced the driver, who is being described as a Caucasian man in his twenties, to drive around and take them to ATM machines to get cash. They took at least $800 from this poor guy, and then went to rob a gas station. They have eight hundred dollars, and they rob a gas station. What? Anyway, Captain Mercedes either escaped or they let him go. Then Captain Mercedes went to the cops and described both men in detail, sealing their fate and ultimately leading to their pursuit- and also the death of one and the capture of the remaining sibling.

It’s hard to have sympathy for the stupid. This is on the same level as leaving your wallet at the bank you robbed, or being pulled over and offering the cop some weed. These guys could plan to bomb a massive event, build the bombs and detonate them safely (on their end), and then get caught because either they let a guy go or let him escape? Wow. A slow clap please for the dumbest terrorists yet. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they released him. A twenty something Caucasian man is alive because of their stupidity and the terrorists have been caught or killed. But Jesus. They might as well have taken a cab, and told the driver “Hey, we can’t pay you right now. Here’s our names- please don’t call the police! Oh, P.S., we bombed the Boston Marathon. Bye!”. Weren’t these guys professionals or anything at all? It’s not like the FBI can find all of our addresses and telephone records with a few clicks or anything…

Forced post on India’s slums

Certain parts of India are literally a two sided coin. One side is the side of great wealth and abundance while the other side represents the poorest of the poor. Contractors in India would like to scratch off this tails end of poverty out of the wealth. By building out the slums they believe that the wealthy can look more wealthy and the bottom dwellers would move out. Another plan is to give the slum dwellers free homes, keep the land, build on top of this broken down land, and then make money. The man who  proposed this was called crazy once and today the plan is being implemented into the development of the slums. What is clear is that the wealthy is trying to expand while the slums are just trying to get by on a day to day basis.

Free apartments for those who need it sounds pretty glamorous, but nothing in this world is free. The people who would be getting these free dwellings are eventually going to end up paying for something they can not afford. These people are reduced to stealing  electrictiy and water from the city, and sharing a public toilet. This toilet by the way is just a big wet hole in the ground in which people do their business in. These people are eventually going to have to pay for all of their utilities, and when they can not pay for that, they are going to end up right back where they started, on the street. I feel that this method does not really help the slum dwellers in the long run of things, and the wealthy should either find a different place to build, or find a better solution that actually helps out the people at the bottom as well as themselves.

Prozac, the Name of Mental Illness

Twenty-five years ago, the face of mental illness was changed. Prozac had come into the market in the United States and a year later, in Britain. Prozac became some sort of rock star towards the public. In other words it became a product that a person must absolutely have. One of the things that marketing did to Prozac was that it made it seem potent to the public, even though it was not. It did however change the face of mental illness by taking a sort of psychotic edge off of it. Suddenly people with mental illnesses were not raging psychos, but just average people with barriers to overcome and Prozac was their solution. Prozac has helped those with depression throughout its time on the market. Many people claim it helped them through a difficult time in their lives. Ultimately Prozac has been a cog in helping people get past barriers that their mental illness has put in their way.

Mental illness is a tough issue. Some see those with a mental illness as a person with a problem that needs overcoming. Other would rather pretend that they didn’t exist at all and would like them put out of society. No matter what anyone thinks, it is clear that these people need help. Prozac has been a big help towards the public, and even though it has had its fair share of criticism over the years, it has helped those who need it. I feel that Prozac has ultimately helped the general public and should stay on the market. Not only has it helped people get through depression, but has also given a sway to many and has help them see that those who struggle with mental illness as people, not monsters. Prozac is clearly a beneficial product that can both help with with the minds of those who need it, and also the minds of the general public.

Lying Awake at Night? You’re Doing it Right

The general consensus amount people today is that a straight eight hour sleep is one of the most important thing today. However studies have shown that people very long a go had two sleeping periods during the night. The first sleep would be interrupted and people would be very active ranging from praying to visiting neighbors. After this midnight romp, people would go back to sleep for the rest of the night. This slowly began to diminish throughout time. Night slowly became associated with heinous acts of crime and prostitution. Even the rich who could afford the soft glow of candle light, decided it would be best to sleep through their night and soon night was meant for sleep and sleep alone. However time has shifted into the future yet again and after time went on night has become a very active time for the population. a time to get things done, yet it is still seen that a straight through sleep is of the utmost importance. Due to our ancient predecessors though, an interrupted sleep during the night might not be such a bad thing.

Insomnia rampant. That can be the best thing to describe my test subject, or better known as my boyfriend. He has trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. I also feel that not only he, but everyone else has a lot of pressure put on them to get a “good night’s sleep.” The above article shows that it isn’t a necessarily bad thing to wake up in the night and roam around. I feel this could be pushed to people as a new way to experience sleep and might actually help people such as my boyfriend get a better night’s sleep. Perhaps studies can be done on individual people to see what kind of sleep would be best for them, not just pushing the eight hour block idea into everyone’s minds.

240 Hours to Think About Fraud

Christine Wilson has  joined an unfortunate club. This club is also known as the sex offenders list. Ms. Wilson, or as she would prefer, Mr. Wilson has a disorder known as gender identity disorder. This means that Ms. Wilson was born a woman, but psychologically feels that she is a man. As a man trapped in a female’s body she posed as a male to be able to have an intimate relationship with two minors who were girls. Wilson pleaded guilty to the charges brought upon her and as so the judge sentenced her to probation and community serves, as well as a free spot on the sex offenders list. The official charge however was gender fraud, not statutory rape. This charge had the Equality Network, who fight to protect gay, lesbian, and transgender rights, in a bit of a fit. They felt the charge of “gender fraud” sends a poor message to those who are transgender; that it says, if you are transgender you have committed fraud by being intimate with someone else. This situation has raised some tempers and for Ms. Wilson, 240 hours of community service to think about if its wrong for a transgender person to engage in relations.

Clearly it is wrong for a person to engage in a sexual relationship with a minor. But is it wrong for a transgender to have relations with another person in the form of who they feel most comfortable in. After having read the above article, I do feel that what Christine Wilson did was wrong, but I do feel that she wasn’t wrong in doing it as a man. Gender identity is something that someone is born with. There have been many cases where even children don’t feel that they are right in their skin. Ms. Wilson should be punished for having an intimate relationship with minors, but not for having done so as a man. I also feel that that it was wrong that Ms. Wilson was punished for fraud, and not statutory rape. it does send a poor message to her fellow transgender peoples. In the future these cases should be handled more sensitively and more direct in my opinion. Punish people for what they are guilty of, not what they psychologically think.