More disgusting details of the human trafficking case

Building off my blog post from earlier, there have been new developments in the child grooming case in Oxford. The group of nine still attacking girls that lived in child homes gave them various drugs and alcohol to make them more manageable and somewhat willing to do whatever acts wanted. One girl had her fingers bent backward, to the point of breaking until she agreed to have sex with one man in a public park. Another girl testified that the men threatened to burn her little brother alive if she did not comply with his demands. A similar girl reported that at first the men gave her gifts, possibly as an attempt to keep her happy and compliant. But when she learned what they wanted from her, she refused, and the men threatened her until she complied with their demands. She also said that they were using even younger children to rent out to molesters. One of the many girls said she didn’t fight the sex ring at first because she felt she owed them for the drugs and alcohol given to her. However, later after being raped many times, she allowed them to have sex with her merely to “shut them up”.


Do the courts have any ideas as to how many girls were used though out this entire operation? Or how the men even got the girls? I can’t believe this has been going on for so long and BBC doesn’t include more information, or whether or not the information is even known. What happens to these girls now? Clearly they don’t have parents to look after them, and no one wants to adopt a twelve year old with mental wounds of being beaten, threatened and raped. These men have destroyed the lives of innocent children, and probably taken away worlds of possibilities for them. And they won’t even fess up to their crimes? What has this world come to?

Gary the goat and my goat related dreams.

Everyone wants a goat. Everyone. I want a goat, your grandmother wants a goat, you want a goat, and your imaginary friend wants a goat. But do you want a flower eating goat?  I sure do. However, Gary, the flower eating goat, was sent to court on Wednesday. During an afternoon stroll with his owner, Gary got hungry and decided to snack on some flowers. Then, some jerk decided to press charges. On a goat. Who ate some flowers. Though it was outside of a museum of contemporary art, the $465 fine seemed a little too large for a flower that was eaten. Who even pressed the charges? BBC doesn’t tell me. But any way, the owner decided to fight the fine and showed up to court, his goat with a totally rad hat and a lawyer. The judge dismissed the case, yay him. Gary the goat walked, a free goat.

Who presses charges on a goat? Seriously? I’m short on rent this month, so I’m going to sue a goat for eating a flower. Yeah! $465 is totally worth the court costs, even though there’s like, children who are abused by their parents waiting to get into court. Let’s sue a goat. Who does that? Do the people in Sydney, Australia really have nothing else to do but sue goats and build large rubber ducky’s for the harbor? Personally, I would like a white goat with black spots. I’d name him Sir Harold and feed him cheerios every day. I would walk him to the baby parks and let small children feed him out of a bottle while I paint a picture of him being petted by Mona Lisa. Sir Harold and I will go swimming and skiing together every weekend and we will be the best of friends.

ERMIGAHD Scotty, beam me up.


The idea behind the tractor beam is that it attracts objects by using the light on the object. The idea behind a practical use today is focused more on a medical use, to attract individual cells and move them accordingly. So far, the University of St. Andrew’s can move microscopic particles around, and hopes to be able to move larger objects soon. This is similar to the optic vortex study in Hong Kong (also attracts particles using light), but can be used in liquids and solids as well, making the tractor beam more useful. However, this cannot be used to beam people around or trap space ships, because on a scale larger than microscopic particles, the object would be heated up likely to the point of incineration. Which of course, may need to be worked out sometime in the future, before it’s tested on anything living.


This is so cool. Of course, being incinerated wouldn’t quite be fun. But imagine being one place, and then literally beamed to another. Sign me up. Though this has a long way to go, I wonder how long it will take for it to be ready to be used medically. Even if it was just to count white blood cells, it would be a lot easier to simply shine a light at someone and get a number, rather  than to take a blood sample, send it to the lab, and then have it be sent back. Though this could get rid of some lab people, fire them or whatever, this would be a lot faster and safer because of STDs in the blood. Plus there’s less of a chance of lab screw up. The practical implications are defiantly worth the money being placed into the research.

Naked drunk santa?

In Berlin, a naked thirty-nine year old man was found trapped in a chimney about ten meters down. Someone called the firefighters, stating that santa was stuck in their chimney. The chimney ran though an entire apartment building, and was hardly shoulder width all the way though. No one is sure how he got into the chimney, or what he was doing there. At first the fire brigade decided to try to remove him using a crane and sling, but the naked fat man didn’t budge. So the police and fire men decided to bore a hole into the chimney from the second floor and remove him from there. However, he had already lost consciousness. It took 15 minuets of resuscitation to awaken him, and he is still in the hospital. No one knows where he came from, but the idea is that he escaped from a hospital or is homeless. He was also freezing due to his nudity. It took a team of forty men to get this guy out: thirty fire fighters and ten policemen. New record?

What the heck did I just read. Who does this? Why? I assume this man was drinking or on some kind of hallucinogen. Because just… wow. How does this idea come to your mind? I wonder if he had family or an ex in the building and was trying to get in, or if he maybe lived there and was too drunk to find his keys? What I find the best is trying to imagine him getting on to the roof in the first place. How long did that take? How’d he even get up there without help? And then of course the size of the chimney is priceless. How he thought he could get in there, did get in there, and then get stuck. Let’s all slow clap for this fully grown man.

“Would it kill you to be on time?”


Last Wednesday morning in London, a helicopter flew into a construction crane and crashed, killing the pilot, Pete Barnes, and a pedestrian, Mathew Wood. Mr. Barnes had over 10,500 hours of flight experience at 50 years old, adding up to about 25 years of flight. Why the helicopter hit the crane is still unknown, but it led to the evacuation of the surrounding buildings. Nicki Biagioni was to be operating the crane, but was woken up an hour late by his two sons and missed the crash, “I’m very lucky. It is unbelievable, I am still in shock, I can’t believe it.”. Most of the people evacuated from their buildings were given accommodations, but some reported that they were not and complained about being on the street, not knowing that accommodations had been made. They also were unaware of when they could return to their homes and apartments, and complained that the police did not communicate with them affectively.


People complaining about living for a few days not in their building need to shut up. The police are investigating the crash, it won’t kill you to live elsewhere for a few days. Two people died, think outside yourself for one minuet. Stay with a relative. Get a hotel room. Don’t wander around and complain like a tool. I’m more interested in what caused the crash, my only guess being maybe Pete Barnes had a heart attack while flying. The artical states nothing of Mr. Barne’s health except that he was 50 years old. As for Mr. Biagioni, wow was he lucky. What a great day to sleep in. I wonder if his boss was mad that he was late or relieved. You can’t exactly yell at someone for being late if they would have been killed had they been on time.

Cute mice and cool burrows. These cross-breeds got it all.


Scientists in the UK have been crossing mouse breeds and measuring the resulting burrows to determine how genes and biology affect the habits and tendencies of little critters. Burrows are measured by injecting harmless foam into the burrow while the mice are gathering food.  Soon later, the casts harden and are removed to be easily measured. The study’s main focus was on oil field mice, which are adorable little creatures that burrow simply by digging a tunnel to the main nest, and also adding an escape route in case of danger. This escape route is a tunnel dug up towards the surface, but does not break through it. The idea of the little guys is that the tunnels exit cannot be detected from the surface, but in case of danger, they can easily break through to escape danger. These oil field mice were mated with deer mice, which perform the same type of burrow but without the genius escape route. The cross-bred mice built the burrows with escape routes, showing that the oil field mice had the “dominate” behavior. “There’s a lot of complex behaviors out there in the wild, and what this study has shown is that we have these different modules that have evolved, that are separable – but when you put those together you get this complex behavior.” Said Prof Hoekstra.

Though I have a hard time understanding genetics, I do find this extremely useful and interesting. This study can be related to humans, right? By breeding someone crazy angry with someone more normal and raising the baby out of the environment and seeing if the child is more like the mother or father. That’s unethical of course, but an interesting thought none the less.

Human trafficking is all over, but how someone could do this is… beyond me.

Kamar Jamil, Akhtar Dogar, Anjum Dogar, Assad Hussain, Mohammed Karrar, Bassam Karrar, Mohammed Hussain, Zeeshan Ahmed, and Bilal Ahmed are standing trial this week to the month of April for 51 counts of rape, setting up child prostitution and trafficking a child within the UK for the purpose of sexual exploitation. All of the targets were 11-15, targeted by their lack of confidence, including orphans, to kidnap and rape. One girl whose name was not included for her safety, reported that she was drank as much alcohol as they would give her because she “knew what was expected of her” and was taken to alleys, apartments, and hotel rooms to be raped by random men. Being taken from a children’s home, she felt she had no other alternatives and told her friends it “made her feel loved”. She was later burned with a lighter after refusing to comply. All nine men are denying all of the charges, but are still being held in custody of the Oxford police.

Ugh, this is just… ugh. Who could do such a thing to children? Especially orphans? They’ve already lost their parents, so apparently the men felt like taking everything else from them, too. What confuses me is that the men who paid to have sex with these girls were able to put all morals and judgment aside and just use their bodies as an object for pleasure. To put a person, with friends, siblings, and a family, a human being, into the same category as an object… I can’t even begin to understand how someone could do that. I feel bad when I bump into someone in the hall way, I couldn’t imagine objectifying someone this way. Or to have to be there and take it.

Saving a soggy squirrel


In Watford last Sunday, six highly trained firefighters risked their lives to save a squirrel. The squirrel was trapped horribly on a small island of reeds in the middle of a small pond, and was unable to climb up the high concrete edge to climb onto land. The phone call made to the fire department made it sound like there was a person trapped in the water, which lead to the high turn out of officers to save the squirrel. A few months ago, fire departments all over stated that they would no longer be rescuing animals, and to leave the job to the ASPCA. They only stated this after catching criticism for rescuing in total more than 2,400 cats, 2,180 dogs one snail and 1,700 horses, thus wasting tax payer money. “I saw the fire engines arrive and thought there must be a big fire somewhere. I couldn’t believe it when I heard they were going to rescue a squirrel. I was surprised they sent so many firemen for a squirrel. Hopefully it was a quiet day for them.” said Emily Sharman.


I don’t think this is really quite a waste of tax payer money, because an animal life is still relevant. Especially since you don’t want animal corpses everywhere. The fire department certainly should rescue animals, because they have the ability to. If I’m walking by a dude dying on the side-walk, I’m not going to refuse to do anything because that’s not my job. A life is a life is a life. As long as the fire department has ladders, they should save kitties from trees. It’s not so much their job as it is common decency. And if the fire fighters are going to complain this much, they should set up an ASPCA rescue group or hotline or something. Don’t complain and then not offer solutions to the problem.

I’ll name him John Paul Jones.


Matt Clark was caught cheating in a sea fishing contest, stating that he had caught a 13 pound sea bass when actually, he had bought it off of the local aquarium. This was discovered when one of the judges recognized the fish because of the distinctive markings on its head and fishy neck, and visited the aquarium to see if it was the same fish, and indeed it was. After running up debts of about 1,500 pounds with the aquarium owner, Clark decided to plan to steal the fish and win the contest. And he would have if it weren’t for that pesky fish judge. The leader record in the fishing tournament before Clark was ten pounds, which if math is correct is smaller than 13 pounds. To capture the fish, Clark mearly scaled a cliff, climbed up a rope ladder, and scooped the fish into a bucket. After winning the tournament, Clark was going to return the fish to the aquarium, but instead sold the record bass to a fish enthusiast. The fish is still missing. If you have any information, please tell the London police.


The great fish caper, such an epic quest. It’s a wonder he made it out alive. You know, bass are quite dangerous. They do that thing. Under water. You know, swimming? It’s so odd for a fish to swim. I wonder if the fish was dead when Clark presented it, because I’d bet record fish would be worth more alive than dead. Also, I’m concerned with the fish’s well-being. It’s not every day you name a fish after the greatest bass player in the world. I’m generally concerned for this fish. I hope the enthusiast doesn’t eat him or something. Or at least not without lemon juice.


The couple only denies the murder…


Lesbian couple Kelly and Jodie Barnes were accused of home invasion and the torture and killing of 67-year-old Barry Reeve, a retired bus driver. Mr. Reeve’s body was found by his daughter two weeks after his death, after she called the home to no answer. Initially, the Barnes pair killed Mr. Reeve on February 1st of last year, torturing him for his pin number because they believed him to have hidden money in his bank accounts. A week later, they returned to the house and looted it, taking even the food in the refrigerator. Kelly and Jodie Barnes are both drug addicts, and the day after the murder were reported my Mr. Reeve’s daughter asking for directions. The autopsy shows that Mr. Reeve’s was cut several times with a kitchen knife on the torso, and was alive for up to two days after the attack, bleeding out. The television was left on, turned up loud so that the neighbors would not hear his screams during and after the torture. Although Mr. Reeves lived off of pension, he was reported to speak of large sums of money, including that he carried 2000 pounds on him at one time. Mr. Reeve’s daughter called authorities after going to his home and finding the back door unlocked and blood on the ground and walls.


That’s gotta be eerie. Meeting your father’s killers on their way back from torturing him. I wonder how the couple even met Mr. Reeves. How would two drug-crazed lesbians meet a retired bus driver? And what kind of bus driver earns that kind of money? And how did the authorities find out that the couple did this? Was DNA found? As much as I enjoy the BBC News, they do leave quite a bit of information out. This is irritating.