Cow kitty rescued from a tree with a cherry picker

On the 15th of this month, a cat had to be rescued from a tree with a cherry picker because the fire department didn’t have a ladder large enough to rescue the tiny white and black cat, which ironically, has been named Maple. She was standing on older branches in Ravenscraig Park, in Dysart. People feared the branches might break and she would fall on the concrete below. It is suspected that the cat was chased up the tree by a meanie-butt dog, but no one is sure. No one has claimed one year old Maple, who does not have a microchip. If no one does she will be found a new home.


This is so cute. Maple is such a pretty cat; I hope she is soon adopted by a nice, fuzzy, warm family. And I hope the dog that chased her up the tree gets lots of flees and is very itchy. I am glad that people in Dysart where compassionate enough to make sure she got down safely, because no one in my neighborhood would do so. I live with jerks. Maple is so cute; she looks like she may have been a cow in another life because of her spots. She’s a year old; I wonder if the animal shelter will ship her to me? My cats are 13 years old; they’re going to die soon. Sulfur, has diabetes because he’d constantly beg for food. I couldn’t say no, so I fed our Macon kibble until he got diabetes. Ironically, his brother named Sugar did not get diabetes. Sulfur is technically my brother Spencer’s cat. But Spencer is a big fat meanie butt jerky jerk, so I feed our kitties. Now I feed our kitties and give his a shot of insulin twice a day. Sugar is my cat, whom I taught to play fetch. I am proud.

Canadian tourist begins zombie apocalypse

So, Canadian woman checks into a hotel, and is fine. Then one night, she acts crazy. Running around the hotel, pushing elevator buttons, screaming, etc. People assumed she was on drugs. Later, this month, people in the hotel were complaining about the hotel’s water pressure. Janitor guy goes to the roof to check out the water tanks. And hey! THERE SHE IS. DEAD CRAMMED UP AGAINST THE DRAIN PART OF THE WATER TANK. The part where the water drains out! She was last seen on January 31st, and then went missing. So she was in that water tank for a little less than a month. For a month, people in the hotel were drinking, bathing, and brushing their teeth with water that a dead body had been in for about a month. The police have run the water, and have proclaimed that there was nothing wrong with it and that it was perfectly clean and safe to drink because the chlorine in the tanks had killed all of the woman’s icky Canadian bacteria. Police have not ruled out a drug related death, but say that her death is indeed suspicious.


I discussed this story with my boyfriend, and shared my fear of suddenly becoming a Canadian zombie with him. It was so romantic when he told me if I ever became a Canadian zombie he would kill me. He then for the rest of the evening kept calling me a ‘hoser’ and saying ‘eh’ after everything he said. He must have drank the water. Did the woman get high and think, “HEY! I want to swim in the water supply.” Or did someone chase her through the hotel, and stuff her in the tank to drown? The police haven’t said yet, but I think she was killed. How else would the lid of the tank be closed?


Also, I am aware that the hotel was located in LA, but since the woman was Canadian and Dr. Ayers doesn’t read these anyway, I think it should count. Plus Bryan Lee O’Mally is from Canada, and He wrote Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, which we all know are the greatest books ever.



Last Friday, Christy Walsh was fined 700 Euros for having patrons in his bar too late at night. The police came first at 1:45, 45 minutes after closing time, to ensure that everyone was out of the bar. At this time there were 51 ‘nuns’ in the bar, all waiting for rides home. When the police checked by again around 4:00, there were still twenty ‘nuns’ in the bar. At the time of the second check in by the police, Walsh was driving people home because they were too intoxicated to drive, and the small Irish town only had about ten taxis at the time. There were so many ‘nuns’ because of a charity event being hosted by Walsh to raise suicide and self-injury awareness. They chose to dress as nuns to break the world record of most people dressed as nuns in one area. During this event, the town’s population nearly doubled, bringing in 3,000 people for the event. Walsh made sure to discuss the topic of participants dressed as nuns to the local priest, who said it was humorous and beneficial for the cause. Walsh is taking the 700 Euro fine gladly.


Dude. If the pub owner was really driving people home I don’t think they should have been given such a large fine. I mean, he was keeping people from driving home hammered, and it was a charity event. Now maybe he should get a slap on the wrist, but 700 Euros? Really? Come on! It was for charity and they didn’t want to drive home drunk. The owner couldn’t kick them all out when they were so drunk, but he couldn’t let them drive home. What was he supposed to do? Invite all 51 of them to crash at his place while they sobered up?

Almost a natural selecton situation…


So on Friday, two eight year olds were found at a local park playing with a stun gun they found in the bushes. An adult walking by took the stun gun and called the police who confirmed “yeah! That’s a stun gun!” The police gave the children a stern warning and sent them on their way. The police issued a warning to the public: “I would strongly advise any member of the public who comes across an unknown object to notify police immediately so that we can ensure their safety. I would also ask parents to speak to their children and make them aware that they should not touch any item which they cannot identify.” The stun gun was then disposed of and all is well.


WHAATT? WHERE WERE THEIR PARENTS? WHY DIDN’T THE COP ASK FOR THEIR PARENTS? WHO DROPS A STUN GUN? Those things are expensive… WHO DROPS A STUN GUN IN A PARK? This is what’s wrong with the world! If you want to dump a weapon, do it in a dumpster or something. Not where kids can find it and hurt themselves! Why weren’t the parents watching their kids? Why don’t we just let them run into parks and let them play with dirty needles!?  Oh, and cops want to tell parents to tell their kids “Hey, don’t touch stuff you don’t know about.” This is all just a slap on the wrist situation! One of those kids could have died. No eight year old could take a full stun gun hit without serious health issues later. But that’s fine, because their parents probably have lead paint in the nursery anyway! This is ignorance at its finest people. If you have the nerve to bring children into the world, take the time to MAKE SURE THEYRE NOT PLAYING WITH A STUN GUN.

SHOCKING NEWS: Overweight people are the majority!


In the UK a quarter (25%) of adults are considered obese. This is expected to double before 2050. To fix this issue, scientists think that fatty foods and pop should be more heavily taxed to make healthier food sound better because of the cheapness compared to junk food. This proved successful when the UK decided to add a higher tax to cigarettes. The UK also feels that they should ban advertisements of foods with saturated fats before nine AM, include nutrition facts for children on packaged goods, restrict foods in hospital and school vending machines, decrease the amount of fast food joints near commonly attended places, and increase the budget for weight reduction surgeries.


I don’t think this is going to work. Good effort, but if I’m having a bad day I’m still going to cough up the money for a Milky Way and Mt. Dew. Unfortunately my binge eating is an expensive habit, but high school sucks and I have weight issues. I’m twenty pounds under weight, and I eat what I’m supposed to, adding on some junk food. Who’s putting together a help program for me? I understand that more people are overweight than under, but being under is more dangerous. I think instead of focusing on the overweight people, we should work with pushing healthy weights. More detritions should put together plans for various people. Like if you’re 40 pounds overweight and you’re a 30 year old female, you should do A, B, and C to get to a healthy weight. All today’s media is bombarded with either too fat or too thin. Maybe we should just focus on being HEALTHY. Also, maybe we should teach more about nutrition to kids at a younger age. I never cared for brownies as a child; I just loved the sugar rush I received from eating them.

Everyone needs a rabbit


I want a rabbit! In Plymouth, a bugler was frightened away by a GIANT rabbit, owned by the family in the house.  The rabbit is two feet long, and weighs almost ten pounds. The mother of the family, Kimberly, thinks that the bugler was rummaging around looking for valuables to steal and woke up Toby, the rabbit. He then left his cage and bounced up to the bugler and the bugler left without taking anything. Toby apparently is like a little dog, who comes when you whistle and loves his family. However, he will not leave his cage due to the police presence in their home. He sits in it, shaking, and refuses to come out of it. Toby loves the family’s daughter, a three year old who loves crawling around all over him.


I can’t believe rabbits can get this big!!I have a Pomeranian dog, who is smaller than my cats. She barks and runs away, like a stupid fluffy idiot. This rabbit scared the dude away! That’s so ninja. I want a rabbit. I would name him Static. He would have free reign of my room and sleep with me, assuming he didn’t shed too much in my bed. I’d make sure he had a collar in case he got out, probably leather with studs. I would walk him and show him at 4H functions. I wonder if you can dye rabbit fur… Then I could have a huge purple rabbit. Or maybe green. If I had this specific breed of rabbit, I wonder if I would be able to lift him. He’d only be 10ish pounds, but he’d be really fatty and would be like a big bag of Jello when I picked him up, like my diabetic cat, Sulfur. (I find it ironic that my other cat, Sugar, did not develop diabetes.).

Stupid people being jerks to little kids.


In Cotswolds, a children’s playground has been fenced off because some in the community feel that it is “too colorful”. One woman who lives directly across from the park is upset, because her children are very upset that they may not play on the playground. She also says “the only people that are complaining are the ones without children.” Residences of the neighborhood feel it doesn’t match the color scheme of the area, and that the colors are a distraction to passing by drivers because the equipment is visible from the passing highway. However, there hasn’t been any accidence caused by this. Many families decided to move to the high profile neighborhood because the playground was safe and pleasant to their children. Now the children of the neighborhood have to sit inside and watch the playground go unused while the snobby adults complain and argue.


This is crap. I live in a high profile neighborhood and I hate all my neighbors. They complain that we don’t put up Christmas lights. We don’t because we take the money we would be spending on the electricity and donate it to toys for tots. The entire street has a little government, my dad is the treasurer of which. The dirt bags to the left of us demand we no longer let our cat go in and out, because it “watches him” from our yard. Well, sir, your house is a good hundred yards from ours. So how can you tell that our cat, whom is sitting on the porch, is looking at you? It’s a playground. It’s supposed to be colorful. Let the kids play on it, and if you don’t like the color, move. I cant believe adults seriously act this immature. It’s like a four year old complaining that Jimmy took the blue safety scissors and now they have to use the pink ones.

Woman feels she was going to be killed in a brutal rape


Adding to my previous blog posts about the Oxford exploitation trial, another girl testified saying she was afraid she would be killed if she didn’t have sex with one of the men. She was taken to a hotel where she drank a lot of alcohol and the man she was with snorted some cocaine and they had sex. After, when the man demanded sex again, the girl refused. He then tackled her, got on top of her and pulled her hair until she began to scream. When she screamed he smacked her, and she described it as “feeling as if I was hit across the face with a fire extinguisher”.  He then choked her until she agreed to have sex with him and he raped her twice from there. Afterward, she ran from the hotel room yelling “help me, I’ve just been raped”, only to be ignored by those walking past. However she decided not to file a police report because her abuser because a friend said that he had children that he would then never see. She then was sent to different parts of London with men she would call “predators”, who would sometimes have sex with her, but often forced her to pose for pictures in heels and lingerie. All of this happened when she was 14, and is now testifying in her 20’s.


In the article the woman says afterwards she would return home to her mother. I wonder if her mom knew what was going on. I wonder if the girls were paid, or if they were just raped. A lot of details have been left out, but I’m unsure as to why. What I don’t understand is why so many girls have testified against these men and they’re still pleading not guilty! There is so much evidence against them, why haven’t they been sentenced yet?

Hey I just met you, and this is crazy…

People that meet in chat rooms get married all the time, but how often do they get names tattooed on their face? Lesya met Ruslan Toumaniantz in a chat room and later met him in real person in Moscow. Tourmanianztz was at the time training to become a tattoo artist, and Lesya agreed to let him to his first ever tattoo on her FACE. He tattooed his first name across her face, from a bout jaw to the tip of her cheek bones. After this they got engaged and Lesya is already using Ruslan’s last name. Later, Ruslan tattooed 56 stars on an 18 year-old’s face, and had to flee the country. The girl was claiming she only wanted three stars, but Ruslan tattooed the rest while she was asleep. She said this because her father didn’t want her to get a tattoo. Nice one. When people said that Lesya was making a ignorant decision in marrying and getting tattooed by a man from the internet, Ruslan simply replied, “I know that there are people who are terrified that Lesya has made a rash decision that she’ll regret horribly, but sometimes the best decisions are the ones you make in an instant with your heart rather than the ones long-debated in your mind.”

Okay, good for those two. Being in love and getting engaged. But wouldn’t you get the tattoo after you got married? I mean, not to poke a hole in anyone’s fun, but what if they broke up and she just had this great big tattoo of her boyfriend’s name on her face? Sounds like a buzz kill. Breaking news, tattoos are permanent. Don’t get them while drunk or hungry. On the other hand, Ruslan has a point about making decisions with your heart. I hope everything works out great for those two.

A strong warning for boat safety.

In 2005, Holly and Angus Buchanan died in a boating accident where they were thrown from an inflatable raft and into famous Loch Lomond. Chloe, Holly’s sister, was the only survivor. She was thrown from the raft into the boat, but was unable to turn the boat off to return to rescue her father and sister. Holly and Mr. Buchanan were wearing warm clothing, but not life jackets. It was three degrees Celsius. There were about 20 other boats on the Loch at this time, but when Chloe tried to wave down other boats; her waves were mistaken for greetings. She steered the boat back to where she saw her father and sister and dove in to try to retrieve them. When Holly sunk beneath Chloe’s sight, the cold water forced her to return to the boat leaving her father and sister under. The remains were never found. However, last year a human foot was found in Loch Lomond and was recently confirmed to be Holly’s after testing at Glasgow University. This tragedy has now become a reason to wear safety jackets, because the pair would have survived if they had been able to stay afloat. The searches for the bodies ceased around March of 2005.

This is why we wear life jackets, kids. One of the small kids I babysit claims he’s the greatest swimmer in the world, and even though I’m a certified life guard, I still make him wear his safety vest. If you hit your head and get knocked unconscious, you’re done for. If the wind is knocked out of you, your first notion is to inhale, causing you to drown. Here, the temperature caused their bodies to freeze up, and due to their lack of safety jackets they couldn’t float without treading water. And now they’re gone.